Project Good For Age! Week 4 of 30

Goal : Automatic Entry Into the London Marathon

How? : Run a 3:15 Mara @ Manchester Mara in April (Current PB 4:45)

First Step : Run a 45 Minute 10k @ Windmill 10k race in November (10k time at start of project 57:58)

This Weeks 10k Time : 46:50

Here is how week 4 went…


Stayed on the straight and narrow, my desire to go the pub was pretty much zero, much bigger fish to fry – then again there weren’t really any distractions/temptations/invites catching my eye…


I have had some excellent days and then some atrocious days on the diet front this week. I do not know what is wrong with me – sometimes I find it easy to live like a saint and other times I appear to become possessed.

Consistency on the diet front is key, but I find eating like an athlete so boring, so I keep treating myself to whatever I fancy – It’s only when Sunday comes around and i’m 7k into a gruelling 10k run that I think to myself – why the fuk did I do that?


On my scales I weighed 13 st 9 lbs and on the bodytrax ones I weighed 13/8 with 23.5% bodyfat.

At the start of the process I weighed 14st with 25% bodyfat so the oil tanker is slowly turning but it’s a gradual process – I could easily shed a stone and a half and by carrying this extra weight (fat) I am making things ten times harder for myself than it needs be, there is no doubt about that!


Worked harder than ever in training this week, the sweat literally streaming off me after each session, not helped by coming down with a cold/man flu. Whilst I feel that good progress is being made its the results that will do the talking.

Super Sunday 10k 46:50

Lets start with getting the excuses out of the way.

I have been feeling ropey all week.

Sore throat, annoying cough, temperature, fever, aches….you know, man flu.

Rookie you are just making excuses.

You are damn right I am.

But lets have it right, I wasn’t going into this 100% charged.

Just sayin.

That said I am always itching to lace up the Mizunos of a Sunday and get out there.

My goal this week was to hit 4:40 kilometres, this would put me sub 45 for the route.

I am hitting this pace in training, so I don’t see why I can’t crack this on Super Sunday for the ‘benchmark’ route.

kilometres 1-5 were straightforward enough.

5-6 is uphill so that is always going to be a challenge.

6-7 were tough

7-9 eased up but I was fighting to hit the target pace and dint have much left.

On the home straight I thought the magical sub 45 was on but it wasn’t to be.

In the end I lost ten seconds to last week.

My heart rate was way higher than I want it to be but I am putting that down to the fever!

Make no mistake I am working in these sessions, I am working hard!!

Lets see what next week will bring!

Next update 21/10/17 – 4 weeks till race day!

By the way, I have written a book, it’s all about how I went from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon, it’s only just come out but it has got some fantastic reviews already!- you can check them out here: (also available on Amazon in the US but please read the UK reviews first!)

To your amazing journey!

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