
Throughout my journey I have come across some pretty inspirational people, quotes, articles and videos on Twitter.

I thought it would be a good idea to share these things, in the hope that they will inspire you as much as they did me!

I’ll start with the most inspirational parable I have ever come across.

If you have never heard this before then consider it my gift to you for visiting my site.

The first time I saw it I had an epiphany, the message in the video becoming the mantra by which I now try to live my life


In a similar vein, life is short, so its important to take some time out to follow your dreams, like training for an Ironman, for example…

I have learnt that Nike make the most amazing running vidoes!


They also make some pretty cool posters too


But, at the end of the day, Isn’t this what it’s really all about?

I have found some truly inspirational people

Chris was very seriously injured but went on to do some unbelievable things!

This guy runs a marathon UPHILL in African heat before immediately doing another..

And This Guy is just ACE!

So Is this Guy!

Jonathan beat cancer 4 times and still managed to complete an Ironman, his blog Is the most inspirational I have ever seen..

I got a ‘Go on Iron!’ from an Ironman king….

And a ‘Whoop!’ from an Ironman Queen….

I found some cool posters :

But this one my fave:

Can’t talk posters without mentioning  Ace Eileen who sent me one every week…

I thought my marathon was hard, and then I saw this….

I learnt that running CAN be really complicated…

But it really doesn’t need to be…

I learnt the secret to completing a 100km run…..(he did 4 maras first!)

And I have learnt that if you have kids, these must be treasured forever….

I discovered that when you do this – the energy rush is immensel!

I learnt to Count my blessings, everyday!

And before you think it’s all too late because you are now too Old,…..

I learnt to Think Again…….

I hope some of the things on this page Inspired you like they did me!

If so drop me a line on twitter and let me know – It would be great to hear from you!

You can contact me by clicking on the blue button below!

To Your amazing journey!