Rookie Goes for 4 in a row at Ironman UK Week 3 of 28
Early training is going well but to a certain extent, the actual training itself, that’s the easy part….
In my Rookie opinion, the bigger challenge is what you do with your life once you have finished your training, especially at the weekend (and what you put in your mouth on a daily basis, but more on that next week)
Here is a recent ‘tweet’ I sent that demonstrates the point…..
“It’s Friday & the lads from work went the dog & duck for a curry & a few pints then off into town to see what they can find…Me??.. I went the gym, sank a protein shake then drove straight home like a good little boy to munch rabbit food & get an early night…Livin the dream”
Thing is, a ‘normal’ person would be able to go and have a quick pint with them, or stick to soft drinks all night…..
Not me….
If I went it would be ten pints plus a curry plus a box of smokes plus ending up in a night club at daft o’clcok in the morning throwing a few shapes on the dance floor when I really should know better at 43 years of age…..
And that’s presuming it doesn’t end up ‘going off’…
Needless to say, training would be cancelled for at least a week whilst I recover then it’s back to square one and before you know where you are it’s Friday again and the neon lights are shining bright….
So I have to stay away….
Make no mistake….
It’s hard….
Temptation is everywhere we go, especially in Bolton, where everything revolves around the pub….
Get to July and you can do what you want cock….
But for the next 6 months, we need to resist….
So far I have…..
Here is how training went this week….
Mon – Pool Mile
Tues – Weights + Sauna
Weds – 10k – Wednesday 10k ish 1:06…..I really could not be arsed with this….returned to base from a long day at work cold tired and starvin….Went anyway…Got to be honest, struggled from the outset and throughout…..One of them where you are glad you went when you get back but don’t feel it at the time
Thurs – Pool Mile feelin strong
Fri – Weights + Sauna
Sat – First ride since IMUK – Cycled 10 mile to Hunters & 10 mile back – Getting there certainly blew the cobwebs away but once I got to Hunters I was happy as a pig in shit and found the climbing easier than expected. So much so I managed to cycle up and down it 3 times which I was chuffed about – I feel an IMUK loop comin on very soon
Sun – 10k jog – lookin out the window to see freezing howlin winds and pissin down rain you can forgive me for thinking ‘fuck that’ but I went anyway and glad I did 1:03
Next update : Sun 2nd – How’s the weight loss going Rookie? (shit)
To understand why I keep entering IMUK click here
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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