Rookie Goes for 5 in a row @IMUK week 4 of 26
No furlough here and bills still need to be paid, so into the office we go….
‘Hiiiii Fukin Hoooooo’….
Gyms and pools shut…..
How can we train???
‘Sack it – i’m cycling to work – It’s only 13 miles each way’….
So that is what I’ve been doing this last week or so….
What fascinates me about this is the reaction of the ‘normal’ people in the office…..
The conversation goes something like this….
“You cycle to work?”
“But it’s freezing out there”
“It’s no big deal”
“How far is it?”
“Not far, it’s only 13 miles”
“OMG! you cycle 13 miles to the office in the freezin cold and the pissin rain then do a full days work?? I’d be exhausted by the time I got here and fall asleep at my desk – never mind trying to cycle back!”
“On the contrary, once i’ve had a shower and got changed, I find i’m full of beans”
“How long does it take”
“Not long, only about an hour each way”
“You are nuts”
“It’s nothing…… at Ironman, we cycle 112 mile straight then run a mara, not to mention the prior 2.4 mile swim in a big lake – all one after another and within very strict cut off times”
“Oh, and we pay £500 for the privilege of doing so”
“At 13 miles, i’m only just warming up cock”……
The expression on their faces and the way they look at me when I say that……
Sorry, but It ‘flicks me switch’……
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Also, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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