Rookie goes for 5 in a row @IMUK week 10/26
The more I do Ironman, the more I realise that it’s not so much about what you do in your training, it’s about how you live your life away from your training that really matters…..
Like controlling what you stuff into your mouth on a daily basis, for example….
Losing weight is easy….
You simply have to eat less calories than you burn each week……
The trick is to do it gradually, over a long period of time, slowly losing no more than 2 pound a week, adjusting your diet accordingly to achieve the desired result……
And writing it down – everything that passes your lips you must write it down and monitor every single calorie going in..
But the truth is, controlling your diet in this way……
It’s boring as fuck……
We all want to eat a full english, a chippy, a curry, a greggs, chocolate, biscuits, cake and get pissed like every fucker else…..
But we can’t…..
We have to be good little boys and sit and eat rabbit food whilst the masses get to have all the fun……
It’s hard you know…..
It really is….
But controlling what we stuff into our mouths on a daily basis……
It’s the 5th discipline of triathlon….
Here is how training went this week….
Mon…. 26 mile bike to and from work
Tues…. 26 mile bike to and from work
Weds…. 26 mile bike to and from work
Thurs…. 26 mile bike to and from work
Fri…26 mile bike to and from work
That’s 130 mile on the bike this week cock….
Sat…..10k run
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Also, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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