Rookie goes for 5 in a row @ IMUK Week 14/26
So next week, all the pubs re-open and 99.9% of the people I know are going on the piss…
I’d love to join them, I really would….
But I can’t…..
Got to sit at home sipping on a protein shake like a good little boy……
Trouble is, a normal person can ‘go for one’……
Not me…..
No such thing as ‘one’….
Ten more like…..
Mix in shit food and loads of other nautie stuff and I guarantee if you go on the piss you won’t be arsed with your training anymore and before you know where you are a week has gone by and you are turning into a fat bastard again……
All yer hard work unravelled because the boozers re-opened……..
Can’t happen……
Don’t get me wrong, after the 4th of July, you can go on as many ‘benders’ as you like…..
But for now, we must resist……
Just on this……
It’s been over 4 months now since I had a beer or a smoke, training pretty much every day, trying to eat right. you get the picture…..
I personally find that it’s like a ladder….
In order to feel how I do now, you need to put in 4 months of abstinence….
Fall off the wagon and you are back to the first rung of the ladder….
Stay on the wagon and you move up to the next notch…..
One thing is for certain……..
The power to resist temptation…..
It’s the 6th discipline of Ironman……
This week’s training went like this….
Tues….26 mile bike to and from work
Weds…..26 mile bike to and from work
Thurs….26 mile bike toand from work
Fri….26 mile bike to and from work
Sat…..Off (went to sheephouse with the intention of doing a loop but it was snowing despite glorious sunshine down in the village wtf!)
Sun….IMUK bike loop if it’s nice – 10k run if it’s not
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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