Rookie goes for 5 in a row @ Ironman UK – week 16/26
So the big news this week was that Ironman UK is going to be a pro event once again this year with $100,000 up for grabs…..
This news is massive…
It means that pro athletes from all over the world will be coming to Bolton to compete for the prize purse…..
It also means that me and thee will be lining up alongside them…..
I can’t think of any other sport in the world where you get to do that……
‘Race’ with the pro’s like….
It’s the equivalent of lining up on the start grid at Silverstone for the British grand prix in yer ford focus, or yer local sunday league pub team lining up for a footy match against Man United…..
Never gonna happen……
Not only that….
But the pro’s love us…..
There’s a saying in poker and it goes like this…..
‘Don’t tap on the tank’ (otherwise you will scare the fish)….
The ‘fish’ are bad players that bring lots of money to the table which is gobbled up by the pro’s and instead of criticising their bad play (and scaring them off) – the fish are encouraged to stay and play (and bring more cash to the table)
Same concept here…..
The more numpties like me that enter Ironman UK, the more the prize pool is ‘juiced’…..
The more the prize pool is juiced, the more pro’s want to enter……
The more pro’s that enter, the more attention the race gets…..
The more attention the race gets, the more ‘average Joe’s’ will want to sign up too….
The more ‘average Joe’s’ that sign up, the more supporters will come out to cheer them on……
The more supporters that come out to cheer us all on, the more magical the race experience is for ALL the athletes and in the end, everybody wants to come and do it all over again the following year……..
The whole thing is beautifully linked…
The pro’s ask only one thing from us in return…..
To show them some respect…..
How do we show them respect as first timers?
We stay the fuck out of their way on race day…….
You must understand that these pro’s have been training hard all year for this race and the last thing they need is you trashing their chance of a payday as you trundle round the circuit….
Don’t be giving it “My £500 is as good as Joe Skippers £500” – that attitude isn’t going to end well for you……
Keep wide on the swim – leave the perfect line with the buoys to the pro’s and the elite
Keep left on the bike – ALWAYS look over your shoulder BEFORE pulling out to overtake and be extra careful at aid stations as this is where many of the crashes happen
Be aware that the bike is a multi lap format so all the pro’s will be coming past you many times throughout the bike leg
On the run, stay single file at all times – especially through the park, where the path can be narrow at times….
Always remember, if these guys don’t place high and earn cash on race day, then they can’t feed their kids, It’s as simple as that…..
Think on…..
Here’s how training went this week….
Mon….26 mile bike to and from work
Tues…. 26 mile bike to and from work
Weds…. 26 mile bike to and from work
Thurs….. 26 mile bike to and from work
Fri….. 26 mile bike to and from work
Sun…Single IMUK Bike loop
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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