Rookie Goes for 5 in a row @ IMUK week 21/26
Halle fukin lujah
Decent weather finally arrives in Bolton…..
Perfect cycling conditions to be precise…..
Little wind, heat (not minus for once), cloud cover, hardly any rain…..
Making my way round two laps of the Bolton bike circuit yesterday, my thoughts turned to race strategy…..
Or should I say ‘get round’ strategy more like…..
I have said before that with a 90 minute swim (join me as we pray to the iron gods for this) and a 60 minute ‘pre-loop’ flash to Horwich, the absolute shittest you can be and still scrape the cut is 3 x 2:30 laps…..
Yesterday, after a 10 mile ‘warm up’ I was able to ride lap one in 2 hours and lap 2 in 2:20……
That would leave 3 hour 10 to complete the final lap….
Let me tell you something…..
I reckon you could walk a lap in 3 hours 10 cock……
So my race strategy is nailed……
I will ride the first lap like Joe Skipper and then the rest of the circuit like Joe-King……
See that’s the difference between me and the Ironmen…..
The Ironmen will ride 3 laps balls out and probably go sub 2 each time…..
Not me….
Fuck that……
I ain’t good enough……
They talk about ‘hitting the wall’ on a mara…..
Well on this circuit, you will ‘hit the wall’ on the bike…… (probably at some point on your 2nd lap and you will still have another 40 odd miles ahead)
Come and do it and you will soon see what I mean…..
Show me a red carpet finish and a 5th consecutive medal at Bolton on yet another very tough course and i’m happy as a pig in shit my friend.
‘Just’ get round kidda……..
That’s all I wanna do…..
Here is how training went this week…..
Mon – pool mile am – 17.5 km run pm
Tuesday – 26 mile bike to and from work
Wednesday – Weight sesh in gym
Thurs – Pool mile + prob 15 lengths
Fri – 10 mile pre loop then 2 laps on the IMUK bike circuit then 10 mile back
Sat – Off
Sun 10k run
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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