New IMUK Bike circuit : Attempt #12
I’d like to start this week with a related story, if I may.
You’ve heard about the eskimo that came to Bolton right?
Eskimo comes to Bolton and complains that he is too hot.
Jamaican lad comes to Bolton and complains that he is fookin freezing.
Point is, Everything is relative.
In a similar vein, last week I did 2 IMUK bike loops back to back (cira 100 mile)
So when I dropped the mileage down to a single loop of 47 mile today, i’m sayin to myself….
1 lap?….
47 mile?
Is that it?
I’ll smash it….
So that is what I did…..
Well, kind of……
3:28…. which is ‘smashing it’ by my standards….
This would leave 4 and a half hours for lap 2…
So here’s me plan…..
Ride the single loops hard (-3:28) then when you ‘crank up the mileage’ back to a double loop, you slow the pace slightly and 3:45 should feel like a piece of piss…
All the ‘fun’ lies in these single loops you know….
Don’t get me wrong, this 3:28 was no ‘walk in the park’ today…
First bit was OK, but when I got onto the Grane Road I got absolutely smoked by some girl who said ‘I need one of them tops’ as she passed (meaning my trainee IM top)…..
”’No you do not” I replied…..
Lets have it right, People who have a double bottle cage fitted to the back of their seatpost and go effortlessly stomping past others on the Grane Road are on a completely different page to me and thee.
She was swiftly followed by a group of 4, then 2, then a lone wolf, which just goes to show that it isn’t the loop, its me…..
I made decent progress over Roman Road playing cat and mouse with a couple from the other group however once I got to the forest of doom I was coming unstuck again, as always.
But i’ll take 3:28 for the single loop.
What will happen when I crank the mileage back up again?
Will the plan work??
Will it give me some much needed ‘breathing space’ to make the 8 hour cut off for 2 laps??
Find out next week…..
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