Rookie goes for 6 in a row @ IMUK Week 17 of 25
Booking a holiday mid Ironman training is not exactly the best idea i’ve ever had…….
I’ll tell you for why……
I defy anyone to go on holiday and not end up on the piss….
Managed 4 x 10k runs on the bounce along the Lanzarotte seafront I did before I finally cracked……
Let’s have it right……
Living ‘clean’ on holiday…..
It’s boring as fuck…..
Don’t get me wrong, I was looking forward to me 10k jog at sunrise each day., itching to get cracking in the mizuno’s like……
But once that was out the way and i’ve had me breakfast…..
What the hell am I meant to do now?
Give me the sunshine, a sunlounger, a pint in a plastic cup, table with an ashtray on it, box of smokes, shades on, top off, sweet smell of suncream, copy of the sun newspaper……
And instead of being bored shitless…….
I’m as happy as a pig in shit my friend…..
Not to mention what happens when you walk into an irish bar abroad in yer Ironman dublin 70.3 finishers T-shirt……
You ain’t leaving mate…..
So it all went a bit pete tong…..
Managed to restore ‘factory settings’ over the easter weekend thank god when I knocked out 4 x single loops of the Ironman racetrack on consecutive days……
2:36, 2:41, 2:18, 2:21 the times…….
Hurt like hell but this is a session I very much recommend to you…….
Puts a certain amount of Iron into the legs which will serve you very well at a later date…..
Case in point, despite a further blip after easter when someone pissed me off at work, following a full card of training this week I went and smashed out a 2:10 single IMUK bike lap which I was buzzing about to be fair…….
No doubt about it, that was down to the strength gained from the 4 bike loops in a row (and cracking weather for it!)…..
Less than 10 weeks to go and there are no more chances……
Fall off the wagon again and that will be a certain DNF……
A 2:10 loop puts us in with a chance……
Updates to follow every Sunday…..
Here is how training went this week:
Sunday 10k jog
Monday : Pool mile
Tueday : Weights sesh
Weds : 26 mile round trip bike ride to work
Thurs : Pool Mile
Friday : 2:10 IMUK Bike loop
Saturday : Weights sesh
Sunday 10k jog
Weight at start of process 15/9
Weight now : 14/9 (still a fat bastard)
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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