Rookie goes for 6 in a row @ IMUK Week 22/25
So a few months ago, I treated myself to a proper TT bike.
‘I’m not allowed to ride it until I hit 14 stone and the weather is perfect” I declared.
That day finally arrived on Thursday.
Off I went to chorley new road for 3 laps of the IMUK bike circuit with dreams of 3 sub 2 hour loops and the new bike being the magic silver bullet we all crave…..
That isn’t what happened……
Here is what did…..
Lap 1 : 2.15 (lap 1 on the workhorse last week 2:30)
The new bike felt great except when I got to the hills (of which there are plenty on this circuit).
Climb, I cannot at the best of times…..
Climb on a TT bike, I definitely cannot….
I was expecting to do better than 2:15 as I felt the effort I was putting in deserved more plus I spent lots of time in the aero position, but a 15 minute saving is a 15 minute saving all the same……
“If I can do that again on lap 2, I’m cookin on gas” I said to myself……
Lap 2 : 2:45 (lap 2 on the workhorse last week 2:32)
On lap 2 I had a complete meltdown…..
I hit the wall inbetween greenmount and turton and felt I was limping already which caused me great concern……
I was so pissed off when I got to the Smithalls Dean Road climb that I actually got off me bike and walked the majority of the way staging a one man protest and sulking like a little kid…..
Lap 3 : 2.55 (versus 2.50 on the workhorse last week – total time 7:55 versus 7:50 – scrapes the cut by skin of teeth)
I nearly didn’t even bother doing this 3rd lap, so pissed off was I…….
I was expecting complete torture……
But you know something?
It felt strangely OK…..
I think this was due to the fact that I had basically given up before I even started and decided to ride it steady, refusing to go aero at any point……
This strategy seemed to serve me well as lap 3 felt more like my second lap should have……
I certainly didn’t get the kicking I was expecting…..
As I made my way round that final lap, I was reminded of something one of the Ironmen once said to me….
“A TT bike is a bit like having a big cock” he said……
“It looks great, but you need to learn how to use it”…….
I reckon he was right you know…..
I rode that first lap way too hard……
When I got home I counted the teeth in the cassette……
My TT bike has 10/26 (although it didn’t like being in 26 ring so I spent most of the climbs in 24) whereas my workhorse has an 11/28……
Could an extra 4 teeth in the cassette make all the difference?
Surely not….
Either way, despite thinking the TT bike is gonna get hung up on a wall in the garage and brought down strictly for 10 mile TT’s only in future, i’m tempted to have another crack at 3 laps on it you know……..
I’m gonna ask me bike tec if he can swap the cassette over first mind…..
Time however, is not on my side, in more ways than one……
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