So, a new year is us upon us.
1/1/17 marks exactly 28 weeks until the final mission on my journey, IRONMAN UK, BOLTON on July 16th.
Whilst getting to this point in the journey is the training plan, if that makes sense, I thought many current and future visitors to this website might enjoy reading about exactly what it is like to train for an IRONMAN triathlon, the ultimate one day endurance event.
With that in mind, every Sunday, for the next 28 weeks, I will be posting a ‘warts and all’ training update written by an average guy, for the average guy (or gal)!
This will detail, from the heart, exactly how my training is going, the highs, the lows, the ups, the downs and detail the many challenges that no doubt lie ahead.
My hope is that this will prove to be an inspiration for some, provide a point of reference for years to come and, ultimately, show that anyone can do it.
The Week 1 of 28 update will be posted this coming Sunday 8/1/17.
To your amazing journey!
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