The Day I Gave Bolton Park Run Steward ‘Big G’ ‘A High 5’

Let me ask you a question….

Do you know what a ‘bucket list’ is?

For the benefit of those that don’t, its a list of things you want to do/ people you want to meet / places you want visit before you ‘kick the bucket’

In a similar vein, I have made an ‘Ironman Bucket List’, a list of things I want to do before I attempt the Ironman in July.

One of the things on that list was to go to Bolton Park Run and give volunteer Steward ‘Big G’ a High 5.

But why was this on your bucket list when you are training for the Ironman I hear you cry?

Please allow me to explain….

First, a bit of background on me.

I will be a first timer at Ironman  Bolton this July (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run).

I am absolutely buzzing just to be a part of the whole thing and am having the most amazing journey meeting some pretty exceptional people along the way.,

I am blogging about it so am fairly active online, twitter in particular, which is where I discovered @ukrunchat.

It was here that I ‘met’ ‘Big G’

Big G is a volunteer steward at Bolton Park Run.

He is One of those amazing individuals who gives up his free time week in week out come rain or shine to go and help his local park run happen without expecting anything in return.

Park run is a fantastic concept, but it simply would not be able to go ahead without its amazing volunteers,  people like Big G.

Anyhow, a few weeks ago on ukrunchat, we were all paying tribute to the volunteers at races and I pointed out that I always give the marshalls a ‘High 5’ as I run past.

On the back of my comment, Big G went out and tried to give one of the runners a ‘High 5’ at his next Bolton Park Run.

He later sent me a direct message on twitter saying that the Runner left him ‘High and Dry’ and did not reciprocate the High 5.

At that very moment I added ‘Go and Give Big G a high 5’ to my Ironman Bucket list!

Today, I finally made this happen!

If you ever find yourself down at Bolton Park Run one day, look out for ‘Big G’…

And be sure to give him a ‘High 5′ as you whizz by!’

To your amazing journey!

Next week I will be spending some time with a guy who has completed well over 100 marathons and 14 iron distance triathlons! if you would like me to ask a question on your behalf, please message me via twitter!

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