New IMUK Bike loop attempt #7
So last weekend I planned to take full advantage of the bank holiday and do 4 loops in 4 days.
I got as far as 2 loops in 2 days……
Here is what the last 7 days looked like training wise……
Friday – IMUK bike Loop 3:39
Saturday – IMUK Bike loop 3:54
Sunday – off
Monday – 10k run sub hour
Tues – Off
Weds – Off
Thurs – off
Fri – off
Pathetic isnt it????
A mixture of can’t be arsed and other things going on…..
Smoking and pintage pretty much all week…..
I was interested to see what would happen when I returned to the loop yesterday….
Here is how it went….
I was convinced I was going to go sub 3:30 for long periods…..
Felt really strong until I got to the ‘forest of doom’ (the dog-leg 3 mile ‘grind climb’ section between Edgeworth & Blackburn Road 3/4 the way round)…..
The ‘forest of doom’ feels like trying to cycle through treacle for 20 mins when you have already taken a beating from holcombe hill, grane road and roman road…..
By the time I got onto SHL in reverse I was coming seriously unstuck……
Putting SHL at the back end of the loop is bang out of order…..
It’s time to get serious…….
One other thing of note – saw a lad doin the ‘walk of shame’ on tubs – thats the second one i’ve seen run into trouble on tubs on this loop in as many weeks…..There is no way round it – we need get good at punctures……
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