Rookie goes for 4 in a row @ Ironman UK Week 16 of 28
So the news we all knew was coming but none of us wanted to hear finally came this week….
There will be no Ironman UK in 2020…..
Not gonna lie, I was pretty choked on Monday…..
The one shining light that was waiting for us at the other end of this lockdown has now been extinguished….
Having been a ‘good little boy’ since the start of the year, my thoughts turned to the case of Sol lager that I was keeping on ice until July 13th…..
Thing is, I have just two settings….
‘Ironman mode’…..
‘Pisshead mode’….
Sadly, unlike a ‘normal’ person, there is no middle ground….
The way it has panned out for the last 4 years is like this…..
From January to July I live like an ‘athlete’ – training everyday, trying to eat right, losing weight, no socialising, no drinking, feelin a million dollars…
Then, from July – December, I decide I am ‘missing out’ so go into ‘pisshead mode’ – this entails no training whatsoever and generally saying yes to everything instead of no….
Trouble is, i’m not ready to go into ‘pisshead mode’ yet – i’m still enjoying being in ‘Ironman mode’….
So what now?
I recently wrote ‘fuk it – if lockdown is over by July, then i’m going anyway’…..
I was half expecting a ‘twitter backlash’……
Yet within 5 minutes, a couple of lads messaged me on FB and said ‘i’m in’….
Others offered encouragement and even support…..
I can’t tell you how much I love that…..
So the seed has been planted…..
Of course, lockdown would need to be over and safety boats would need to be hired for the swim….
And the logistics would need to be carefully planned….
But I quite fancy the sound of it, keeping the run going and making it 4 in a row like…..
Got a certain romance to it, don’t you think?
So here’s what’s gonna happen…
If lockdown is over by July, then i’m ‘going anyway’…..
Not only that, but i’m going to beat all my previous Ironman times…
If I don’t PB, then I’ll give me Ironman entry fee (£500) to charity….
If I do PB, then i’ll give em the £500 anyway…
The course?
It’s going to be the iconic 2017 race circuit (Babylon & Hunters) which in my view should never have been changed in the first place….
Getting back out onto the classic circuit today, there were more cyclists on it than I have ever seen…..
It felt like race day all over again…..
‘Spine tingling’ it was when I cycled up Babylon Lane for the first time in years this afternoon….
Spine tingling……
My time for the legendary 47 mile loop?
Will I be able to do it?
We shall see…….
Next update 3rd May
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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