Rookie goes for 4 in a row @ IMUK week 18 of 28
As you know, if lockdown is over by July then i’m ‘going anyway’ and making it 4 in a row ‘DIY style’ on the sacred 2017 IMUK race circuit (Babylon & Hunters)….
No loop for me this week, but training for Ironman is all about celebrating your little victories along the way…..
2 ‘mini victories’ to report from the last 7 days…
First, I finally managed to get me weight to begin with the number 14….
Thing is, after living like a lager lout for the last 6 months of 2019, I started the year touching 16 stone and its taken me longer than ever to get that moving in the right direction, but the oil tanker is slowly in the process of being ‘turned around’ so to speak…..
Join me as together we crack open a protein smoothie…..
Second ‘mini victory’…..
I managed to break 30 minutes on me local ten mile TT bike circuit….
Now, many TT’ers would scoff at this and quite rightly so…..
Let’s have it right, at most clubs, sub 30 simply gives you ‘permission to ride’ on time trial nite….
Indeed, looking at the results from the final meet of the season for Southport CC last August, we notice that out of a full card of 50 riders, the winner did it in 21:35……… (wtf?)
Last was 34:49……
‘Average’ (position 25 of 50) was 25 minutes……
And there were 3 DNF’s…..
By the way….
How the fuck do you DNF a 10 mile time trial?
Point is…..
28 minutes (my time this week) would rank you #41 out of 50 riders and this would be classed as ‘dogshit’ for my age category within TT circles….
Yet for me, cracking sub 30 is very significant for a number of reasons….
First, this is something I have not been able to do so far this year….
Second…..That ride this week was very close to my all time best….
Third…..I have found that there is a direct link between being able to ride a sub 30 ten and then going on to deliver a quality sub 3 hour performance on the 47 mile IMUK bike loop…
Fourth…..My PB’s for the IMUK bike loop of a Sunday came when I was smashing out sub 30 minute 10’s in the week….
What will happen when I get back onto the iconic IMUK bike circuit?
I’ll let you know next Sunday…..
In the meantime, if you haven’t discovered the hidden magic waiting for you on your local 10 mile TT course yet, then you might want to give it a try….
Next Update May 17th
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Also, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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