Rookie Goes for 4 in a row @ Ironman UK Week 9 of 28
Finally the sun begins to shine in Bolton but sadly I have not been able to get out onto the loop as I have been too busy working so have had to make do with the watt bike instead…..
I am off friday so a lap of the new IMUK bike circuit is definitely happening this week and I’m absolutely itching to get out there and kick ass….
In the meantime, the watt bike continues to fascinate me….
I have been doing the ‘see how many watts you can hold for an hour and how many miles will you cover’ session…..
I can currently hold around 150 watts for an hour and cover about 20.5 miles in that time….
If you look at a ‘watt per kilo performance chart’ then 150 watts for an hour when you weigh 100 kilo is right at the very bottom and would be classed as ‘dogshit’…..
Yet averaging 20.5 mph out on the open road would be classed as ‘excellent’
This intrigues the hell out of me…..
Also, upon entering the gym, I am finding myself obsessed with everyone else’s ‘watts’….
Case in point, this week, the guy next to me this week held 274 watts for 40 minutes….
Very impressive….
I asked what he was training for and he replied 100 mile road races….
When I asked what his time was for these, I was not as impressed with his answer as I was his 274 watts for 40 minutes…..
A wise old man once said to me ‘People have become so obsessed with training data that their performance on race day has almost become irrelevant’…..
Let’s have it right, you can play around on these ‘toys’ all you want, but at the end of the day, all that matters is your performance on the loop….
I’ve been enjoying discussing this subject with some of the lads on FB though, most way more experienced on the watt bike than me….
I asked one of them for their ‘top tips’ on improving my watts from 150 to 200 for the hour…
His advice???
Lose 4 stone Rookie…..
I loved that….
As we all scramble to find the ‘optimum’ training session, sometimes the biggest gains to be made can be found way before we even think about climbing onto the saddle…..
That said, me legs are feeling ‘juiced’ all the same…..
I cannot wait to get out onto the IMUK race circuit and attack the ‘2:40 minimum acceptable standard for a loop’….
What will happen after all this ‘watt biking’?…..
You can find out in Sundays blog…
Nest update…..Sunday 15th March (Rookie finally gets back onto the loop)
Training this week:
Mon : Pool Mile (45 min)
Tues : 45 min watt bike intervals
Weds : 10k on the mill 1 hour
Thurs : 30 min pool intervals
Fri : 1 hour on the watt bike how many watts can you hold
Sat : 10k on the mill 1 hour
Sun : Off
Total training hours this week : 5 hours
To understand why I keep entering IMUK click here
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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