Rookie goes for 3 in a row at Ironman UK Week 18 of 40
So the big news this week is that someone ‘leaked’ what appeared to be a very official looking ‘new’ IMUK bike loop and I was horrified with what I saw.
There wasn’t just some minor changes to the loop – it was a completely different circuit entirely.
In order to explain why I am so upset about this, I would like to talk you through my own personal experience of the iconic bike loop on race day from the perspective of someone towards the rear of the pack.
Once you have completed your 2.4 mile swim, you cycle 14 miles through Leigh to join the main 47 mile bike circuit.
The swim itself is extremely well supported and in fairness, the good people of Leigh do their best for the first bit of the bike as numbers have started to congregate on one of the roundabouts early doors, but the truth is, the support on this first section of the bike leg is rather sparce….
However, once you get onto the main 47 mile bike loop (which we ride twice), it is here that the true magic of IMUK reveals itself.
Look at the picture to the left.
That is a photograph of Babylon Lane, taken on race day.
Babylon Lane, or ‘COLT alley’ as it is very affectionately known, is a mile long gentle climb that has supporters 4 deep on either side cheering you all the way up it.
The support here is all thanks to COLT (Lancaster) Triathlon and the wonderful people of adlington village….This has been lovingly built up over many many years.
Let me tell you something about Babylon Lane.
The further back you are in the pack, the louder they cheer for you.
Can you imagine for one second what it feels like for an ‘average Joe’ to cycle up there on race day whilst being roared on by thousands of supporters?
You feel like a fukin rock star mate……
‘Spine Tingling’ isn’t the word…
That anyone would even consider allowing Babylon Lane to be casually ‘ripped out’ frankly beggars belief.
Next we have the infamous sheep House Lane Climb, which, littered with support at the bottom, (tri Rochdale) has the wrestlers stood waiting for you at the top – the legendary wrestlers are world famous, they are in the DNA of IMUK and they ALWAYS stand at the top of Sheep House Lane…. ALWAYS….. It’s what they do…
Yet the iconic SHL climb as we know it appears to have been completely changed….
Over the other side of sheep house we have a few hundred stood outside the black dog pub, I dont know who they were, probably Team Dean and Tri Rivi whose supporters are everywhere and the stuff of folklore.
Onwards to the Houghton Arms at Wheelton with loads more supporters cheering you up the hill, Tri Preston, Foggarty’s lot (local legend) & Blackburn Road Runners (who come out in huge numbers for the bike leg and man the feed stations on the run).
Fairly certain the Umpa Lumpas of Warrington were at the Buckshaw village fuel stop and then it’s round to Hunters.
The iconic support on Hunters hill all started when a couple of lunatics from Wigan stood there in Reggae Wigs holding tamborines.
All the Tri clubs in the local area (Endurance Store, Team Pie, Wigan Tri, Invictus Tri + Warrington) united and slowly built it into the magical experience it is today.
Last year there must have been thousands stood on that hill.
They were 3 deep on either side with a mobile disco and everything – it was like something out of the tour de france.
That is all thanks to the Wigan lot…
When I finally got to Rigbye arms at the top with tears in my eyes, Tri Preston and Invictus joined hands to make a human ‘arch’ whilst hundreds outside the pub roared their approval as you rode under it.
This experience was so magical I almost turned round so I could ride under it again.
Yet Hunters has been completely removed from the ‘new’ circuit???….
You were then off to Babylon to experience ‘all of the above’ for another lap and the more time passes the more pissed everyone gets and the louder they will cheer you on.
Make no mistake about this, it’s the supporters that make IMUK and that is largely down to all the tri clubs, not just from the North West, but from all over the country who each have their own little ‘spots’ on the iconic bike circuit which many have held since day 1.
Support like this doesnt just appear overnight.
It’s painstakingly nurtured and built up over years and years and years.
I believe we should fight for its preservation.
I cannot imagine that anyone at IMUK would want to tear this up and start again from scratch.
So it has to be down to the local council.
Everyone is saying it’s because chorley council dont want IMUK but that is not the case – Chorley council have no involvement with it – they told me that themselves.
Bolton Council love Ironman becuase they fully understand what IMUK is and what it does for the local area, we all know that.
So that leaves Lancashire County Council.
I don’t know about you, but it makes my blood boil that senior figures at lancashire council think they can tell us where we can and cannot ride our bikes on race day, destroying something truly magical in the process whilst they sit pretty on their gold plated final salary pension pots that allow them to retire at age 55 on a guranteed income of 50, 60, 70k+ a year for the rest of their lives, all paid for by me and thee.
I await the official announcement/statement on this with interest……
Anyhow…Here is how my training went this week…
Last Sat…..3:08 IMUK Loop…I was convinced I was going to go sub 3 when I stomped round to Croston within 2 hours…However, I lost it in that last hour…I blame the icy swirling headwinds that magnified energy depletion during an already tough final section and I didnt have anything left as it was…Sulked round to Babylon freezing, aching and piss wet through….Highlight of the ride was seeing Tri Rivington ‘chit chatting’ at the bottom of Sheephouse “COME ONNNN” I yelled….”Stop fukin yacking and get on with it”….I didnt catch their reply, but I am fairly certain it wasn’t ‘Love you Rookie’
Sunday……Sunday 10k ish 58 min…Distracted by all this talk of the bike loop completely changing….My initial reaction was to throw my toys out the pram….But I will wait for the official announcement then ride the new circuit before deciding if i should continue chucking toys out of pram
Monday….Pool Mile…Didn’t take my watch but it was somewhere inbetween 35 and 38 mins….Had loads of Tri Rivington next to me again…Keep bumpin into them lot….Maybe someone is trying to tell me something…..
Tues…Weights set in gym…I’m in a BLACK 2017 IMUK finisher top….Spots a lad in a WHITE 2018 IMUK Finisher top……”This is what a proper finisher top looks like” I joked…..”Thats a fake” He replied…….True Story…..
Weds…30 Minute Watt Bike Interval session…my god…..Hoping for the ice to ‘do one’ in time for weekend as everything is in place for a bike loop…..As always, it will be the iconic IMUK bike loop until our masters tell us otherwise….
Thurs…Pool Mile…Some little kid saw me tumble turning and kept trying to copy me in the other lane at the same time as I hit the wall…Love that shit..
Fri….Weights set in gym…Weight is down to 14/4 which is good progress but I expected it to be lower given that I have been eating like a bastard rabbit for the last 2 weeks
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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