Ironman Diaries Week 28/28

IMUK Training through the eyes of a first timer! Week 28/28

Race Week! – No Way lol

What a crazy six months!

Looking back, I have had the most amazing journey.

‘Self discovery’ bit aside, the greatest part has without doubt been the wonderful people I have met during this process, they have made it magical, they really have.

Everyone from  Liz at Grubbers sweets who gave me the biggest smile every time I sat outside her shop on Babylon lane, Sam, Steve Cook, Damo, Ironman S, Laithwaite, Nick Thomas, Katerina Tanti of the excellent @uktrichat on twitter who has supported me since day 1 and Deca Dave who did 20 Iron distance triathlons back to back breaking the world record in the process……

When I really think about all the amazing people I have been lucky enough to meet, it brings tears to my eyes, it really does, hundreds of people, from all walks of life……

I wont half miss the banter I have had on social media too, the Ironman journey on Facebook in particular, honestly, those guys are just the best.

It was fitting to  end my journey at the Ironman Welcome party last night with Crooky, the guy who’s interview kickstarted a chain of interviews that will motivate the like minded for generations to come.

We had an ace night, it was great to catch up with him (and Sam!)

Ironman not only do the best triathlons in the world, they do the best welcome parties in the world too.

There is a school of thought that says you don’t become an Ironman on Race day, you become an Ironman during your training.

Look at the pictures to the left.

I barely recognise the person I have become….

Who is he!!

Iron Rookie is the guy stood at the bar, not the one running around in the Tri Suit!

I have to say though, it is madness how 6 months of training all boils down to one single day.

Its a bit like studying for something for 3 years and it all comes down to one exam.

As many a teacher will tell you, anything can happen on exam day.

That is why they changed it to coursework, so you are judged on your performance throughout the process and not just the result of a single ‘test’.

If Ironman was ‘coursework’ I am certain I would have been awarded the medal months ago!

But Ironman aint ‘courseowork’……

Ironman is all about Race Day….

I feel like I have been sailing the 7 seas for the last six months en route to the greatest roller coaster in the world.

Well it is time to board that coaster.

I am strapped in and I am ready to go.

Hold tight kids as this is going to be one hell of a ride!

My fate now lies in the hands of the iron gods….

If you are joining me then may the gods be with you, I look forward to seeing you out on the course, give us a whoop whoop as you overtake, you’ll spot me a mile off…..

If not you can track me #1424 – I believe my name will come up as the iron rookie (love that it will do that)

There are many other things that I want to tell you, but I need to wait until I am holding the sacred medal first!!!!

In other news Social media went into meltdown on Wednesday after one of the volunteers noticed the name ‘Alistair Brownlee’ on the Pro Athletes board at the IMUK volunteers briefing .

Will he race, Won’t he race, everyone getting their knickers in a twist about it until the guy from tri247 popped all the balloons by saying he had spoken to his manager and was told Ali will not be racing on Sunday.

Yet there was total silence from the man himself.

I got a right bee in my bonnet about this.

I  think it is completely unfair on all the fantastic supporters – People see that name on the board in the registration tents so they talk and they come out to support him all excited yet he cant even be arsed to send a simple tweet to let everybody know that he ain’t coming…….

If you plan to DNS your first ever Ironman then say so, in order that we can all start taking the piss……(and boy will the piss be royally taken on this side of the pennines if he doesn’t show)

I chanced my arm and sent him a couple of nice messages via Twitter….

Of course he did not respond to little ol me….

Can I tell you something Ali?

Lucy Gossage responded….

Joe Skipper responded…..

Ironmen respond….

Maybe he will understand one day if he ever actually becomes one himself…

Oh and by the way,  he is an Englishman so it has to be Bolton, England, no fukin off to Europe for a nice easy course now- don’t even think about doing that – come and show us how it’s done up Hunters Hill 100 miles into the bike please…….

We are waiting……

If he fully intends to race and can’t/won’t say anything for reasons unbeknown to me then Sorry Yorkie, I take it all back, blame the tri247 guy that said he spoke to your manager and I really look forward to seeing you on Sheephouse cocker, as do we all…

Here is how my training went this week. (took it very easy lol)

Saturday : OFF

Sunday : OFF

Monday : 40 min pool swim

Tuesday : Gym

Wednesday : 10km Chorley New Road Run

Thursday ; 40 min pool Swim

Friday : Off

Next update : ASAP – Well Rookie??

To your amazing journey!

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Readers should not be under the illusion that I am going into this 28 week Ironman plan straight ‘off the bat’ as it is not the case.

Full details of my journey, together with the exact daily training plans that I followed for each race and of course the secrets from the Iron men themselves will be revealed in my book, which will be available to download soon.

You can be notified when the book is ready for instant download and qualify for a 25% discount off the launch price by registering your interest using the box below:

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