The Rookies Guide to ‘Pre Race Weekend’
Not long now.
Heard they changed the bike route?
I’m reserving judgement till i’ve ridden the new circuit which will be tomoz – i’ll post an update to let u know how it goes after i’ve done it.
Anyhow, to business.
A couple of people asked me to put something together to cover the pre race weekend as I see it.
Brilliant idea and something loads of first timers will no doubt like to read I thought to myself.
The thing is, people who have been doing this for years take it for granted that everyone knows all this stuff already but if you are doing it for the first time how are you meant to know? Yes it’s all in the athlete guide but if its all new to you and you dont want to ask questions because you dont want to make yourself look stupid and….
Dont worry, i totally get it.
We were all first timers once you know (and for some of us it wasn’t that long ago?)
Here, we will talk all things bags and logistics.
Three things stick out vividly in my mind from last year in this regard.
1)The bloke hanging his blue bag on the peg in T1 and standing over it for ages with a look on his face like he was handing over his child for adoption…
2) The bloke who came up to me at 5:00pm on Saturday once entrance to transitions had closed and said “excuse me mate what do I do with this” (his race number)
3) People generally running around like headless chickens, getting their knickers in a twist, panicking and stressed to the max….
Chillax my friends, chillax
Now, I am no expert, I only did IMUK for the first time last year (and IM 70.3 Dublin) but I totally understand what you are going through right now and a fair few first timers out there seem to like the way I explain things because they see me as one of them even though i’m technically not anymore ?.
So here is how I see it.. (forgive me if you already know some of this but it’s written with the complete first timer in mind)
The first thing to say is this….
I know you are stressing right now but chill the Fuk out.
The first thing to be mindful of when you first walk into the registration tents is that the vast majority of staff are likely to be volunteers who have very kindly given up their time free of charge because they want to help you and they probably think you are ace simply because you are ‘one of the Ironmen’ even though you might not be yet.
Most of them are probably also going to be stood on their feet for 17 hours in a bit waiting for you to trundle past so they can hand you a drink.
Your first job is to be lovely to everyone at all times.
If you have a question that they don’t know the answer to, bear with them whilst they find it out and they will find out out, they are ace.
There will be a massive sign that says ‘athlete registration’ walk up to the desk, take a minute to work out WAGWON (last year it was laid out in columns by surname A-D E-F etc) and hand over your golden ticket and your photo ID Do not forget your golden ticket or your photo ID.
You will also have to pay a fiver and sign a waiver.
The kind volunteer will then put two wristands on your wrist.
One is the main event wristband and the other is your first timer wristband – this gives you exrtra loud cheers.
Keep these wristbands on you at all times as they are your ticket to ‘access all areas’
You will also get given a bag.
Inside this bag there may be ‘goodies’ or there may not.
All that matters is that the bag contains the following:
- Your Race Number
- Your Swim Cap
- Number tattos (ace)
- Number stickers
- A white bag
- A Red Bag
- A Blue Bag
Check that your bag contains all these things before you move another muscle.
If it does not contain all these things do not leave the building until you have them.
Thats it, you are now registered.
Do not worry about your timing chip for now – you get that later (when you rack your bike).
Last year there was a big board for all the ‘athletes’ to ‘sign themselves in’ like the pros do so keep an eye out for that.
Feel free to have a walk round the xpo too but i’ll come on to that in a sec.
Now when you get back home/hotel/car the first thing you want to do is put the number stickers onto your white blue and red bags. attach the number sticker to your helmet and fix the number sticker(s) to your bike.
First off Lets cover the bags within the bags. (White Blue Red)
Like I say, number sticker on the outside of the bag so you can clearly see it as you approach in transition.
Last year I filled these bags up then wondered if I put my gloves in so emptied them out before refilling them again before wondering if i’d put me cycling shorts in before emptying them again – I repeated this probably about seven times for each bag.
Trust me, you will do the same.
It will drive yourself insane.
The secret to getting organised with the bags is to write a checklist of everything you will need for each discipline then tick them off the list as you put them into the bag.
Also, fill the bags up before you get the bags.
What the fuck are you on about Rookie how the hell can I do that?
Go to Aldi, buy three of their 9p carrier bags (they are roughly the same size) and do them all now so that once you register and get the ‘actual bag’ all you have to do is put one bag inside the other.
Good eh?
So, White Bag
This is the stuff you are going to wear after the race.
Guess what I do?
On the morning of the event I wear all the things I am going to wear after the race over the top of my tri suit and fuk me I dont need to fill this bag up.
Put your wetsuit, your Ironman swim cap and your goggles in the bag, make sure your timing chip (which you get once you rack your bike) is on your left ankle and you are wearing your watch and you are good to go. (dont forget the fukin white bag on race day)
Simply make your way over to the flash and get changed into your wetsuit (which you do by the side of the big fuk off lorry that you throw your white bag into at pennington flash) swap your stuff over and remember you have got your tri suit underneath so no need to worry about meat and two veg unless you are me and then its just the embarrassingly large ‘bulge’ that will be on show.
You might want to put your car keys in the bag and any other stuff you think are going to need after but id keep it light especially if you have got friends and family waiting for you after – dump all your shit on them.
White bag…done
Tip – consider carrying a spare pair of goggles around your leg and some swear by wearing two hats with your goggles sandwiched inbetween so they dont get knocked off – just dont forget your IM swim cap or you are not getting in son.
Blue Bag
Thus is the stuff you are going to need for your bike (rem I am wearing my tri suit under my wetsuit and my watch from the swim) and I am presuming your puncture kit and tools are already attached to your bike – note you take the drinks with you fresh on race morning.
Note – These lists are just examples- please make your own to suit
- Helmet (make sure sticker on it)
- Shades
- Gloves
- Bike shoes (check cleats)
- socks
- Overshoes
- Cycling Shorts
- Jacket
- Nutrition
- Race Number attached to race belt
- Suncream
- Vasaline
- towel
- make sure puncture kit attached to bike
Your race number should be attached to a race belt. There is no fuking about with safety pins at Ironman, if you dont already have one you can buy an IMUK one from the Expo that you will love forever.
If you forget to put something into your blue bag after you have racked it do not panic, I am sure if you go and have a word with the lovely volunteers on race morning they will put it in for you, but if you have written a list out beforehand then ticked each item off as you put it into your bag I can’t understand how it could be possible that you will forget to put something into you bag,
Red Bag
This is your run stuff (remember you are still in your tri suit and you are wearing your number from the bike)
- Cap
- Shades (same as bike?)
- running socks
- trainers
- overshorts
- suncream
- vaseline
- nutrition/fuel
- drink
Tip consider a change of socks for 20k in the run your feet will feel like they are in heaven
Special Needs Bag
If you want one of these you have to fill in a form and request one prior to saturday but be aware that you do not get this stuff back. the bag, and everything in it gets binned after the race.
The special needs bags are positioned at miles 37 and 83 on the bike and at the same point each run lap.
I would love Ironman to publish a list of some the ridiculous things people have put in these bags.
I never bothered with one of these last year. You have already packed all of the above and you have got more than enough fuel stations that are stocked better than your local supermarket at multiple points along the route so I dont understand what else you could want.
That said suncream might not be a bad shout (not that they sell much of this in bolton) and i like the idea of spare innertubes in case you are unlucky enough to use up the allocation you are carrying with you on the bike.
One lad said he put his favoutire sandwich and a packet of salt and vinegar chip sticks in there and the thought of getting to eat them kept him going when times got tough – love the thought process here too.
Each to there own whatever you want to do – no right no wrong – just dont be filling it up like you are off to majorca for a week.
These are my fave.
I put these on the night before the race just before I get in bed because I am a child and I love them.
Here is the key to these.
For fuks sake make sure they are the right way up.
Peel off the sticker and stick it onto your arm then immediately get into the shower and soak them through – really soaking wet.
The ‘backing’ will start to come away and hey presto you have just got inked.
Fukin love those tattoos.
So now we have got all that out of the way lets talk logistics.
I’ll tell you how I am going to do it and then we will look at how you may have to do it so we cover all the bases.
I am going to register on thursday, get my wristband and my race pack then start filling them bags up.
On friday I will take full advantage of the swim practice session then i’m off to the expo to buy loads of ace stuff before attending the race briefing in the evening.
On saturday I will take my red bag and hang it on the peg in T2 at Queens park near the town centre.
I will then drive my bike over to T1 (30 mins) and rack it next to my race number, hang my blue bag on the peg and collect my timing chip.
Saturday will take one hour out of my day max.
I will then chill and awake race morning totally relaxed in the knowledge that all I have to do is put my wetsuit on and I am ready to race.
Yeah right…
It will be impossible to get to sleep race eve,
It feels like xmas eve when you was 9.
But you get my point, the whole reason Ironman open the gates on the Thursday is that it is meant to be a chilled, relaxing experience with everything taken care of in plenty of time before the race.
No need for running about like headless chickens stressed to the max….
No need my friends…
But I am lucky, I live on the circuit and I lost my job recently (not right that you consider losing your job as ‘lucky’ so you can prepare for Ironman is it?- see this is what it does to you)
If you can come up early and chill like I am I would very much recomend you do so.
But I understand that some people may not be able to come up until the saturday what with work and the wife giving you earache because she hasn’t seen you for the last six months and all that….
So if you are planning to come up on the satruday I would do it like this….
Forgive me if this comes across the wrong way but I dont know how else to tell it other than the way I see it so here goes..
You need to forget about the saturday swim practice. it’s at 9am but you have to have your wristbands first from the town centre which doesn’t open till 8 and is a 35 minute drive away then you need to get changed into your wetsuit and rack you bike – dont get me wrong it’s do-able, but do you really need to put the extra pressure on yourself? For what? You dont even get to swim the full course its just a small roped off area (at least it was last year)- you may as well go the local baths in a bit. You will have plenty of time to check out the flash from the shore in T1. If you want to do the swim practice ,come up on the Friday, simple as that.
Now, the issue you will have coming on saturday is that you have got your bike with you and you cant drop that off at T1 until you have registered first.
So, go straight to registration in the town centre and register as above.
Take your bike with you, cycle from the car park to registration. – you dont want to be leaving your bike on the car in the town centre trust me there will be all sorts of neyer’do’well’s about.
Once you have got your wristbands and your race pack, go straight back to the car – you can come back for the expo and the briefing later and you dont want to be wheeling your bike about the place getting in everyones way and gouging them with your clip on aero bars causing race threatening injuries.
I would then drive straight to pennington flash, (circa 30 mins) there is a retail park round the corner, go and sort yourself a coffee. park somewhere quiet then put your stickers on your bags, bike and helmet.
Consider driving the bike route in reverse back to the flash to famiiiarise yourself with it.
Move the stuff from your 3 bags that you have already packed into the appropriately coloured bag.
Drive round to pennington flash (you can park right at T1 on saturday.)
Rack you bike, hang your blue bag on the peg and collect your timing chip.
Chill for a bit and have a wander round the flash.
When you are bored (which wont be very long) get back in your car and drive to T2 at Queens park in Bolton Town centre (30 mins) and hang you red bag on the peg.
Consider following a good chunk of the 14 mile bike ‘pre loop’ to familiarise yourself with it and turn right at the top of regent road.
Then drive from T2 Queens park (or walk sub 2km) back into the town centre and have a good look round the expo before attending your race briefing later in the day – you will have a choice of 2 briefings 12pm or 5pm dependant on what time you got here at.
Simple as that.
Grab some food, chill, and prepare yourself for the day ahead.
On race morning, simply don your wetsuit and you are ready to race.
Make your way to the queue at the flash, seed yourself based on your estimated swim time and prepare for one of the most amazing experiences of your life.
I’ll See you on the circuit. ?
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By the way, hve you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
Are you currently training for or aspiring towards IMUK and want to come and recce the route but don’t know the circuit and need somewhere to stay? then click here
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