Rookies Guide to the new IMUK Bike Loop
Fookin Hell….
Please allow me to set the scene here.
After we ‘drove’ the new circuit on Friday my mate Gaz described it as being ‘just like the old loop’……
Having ridden it myself for the first time yesterday, I would go as far as to say that all current and previous Ironman Bolton medals up to this point will expire at 6am on 14th July 2019.
Sorry if you have an issue with me saying that, but If you want to keep your Ironman UK stripes, you are going to have to come and earn them again my friend.
I’m not joking.
The conversation from now on is going to go like this….
I did Ironman UK…
Well done…..
Was it the 2019 one?
Ah right….. (smirk)
Before we get cracking, a little bit of background…
I did IMUK Bolton as a first timer in 2017 (an impossible dream) and loved it so much that I did it again last year.
What I loved more than anything else was the way the incredible supporters reacted to me.
Your common man simply cannot experience the magical sensation of a thousand people from Wigan roaring you all the way up Hunters Hill without your soul being touched by it and same again on Babylon Lane.
So much so that when I got wind that the bike course was going to change, I started chucking me toys out the pram.
However, I have now changed my view, but more on that later.
You must understand that this post is written from your ‘average Joe’s’ point of view, not from your ‘expert’ or ‘coach’ or ‘professionals’ point of view.
Further, my goal is a simple one.
‘Get round’ within the cut off times and celebrate with the crowd the entire way round the circuit – The vast majority of whom believe that what I am doing (completing the Ironman) would never be possible for them. (Even more so now)
A little bit of science and then we’ll get stuck into it…
I don’t know how many times I have ridden the ‘old’ bike circuit in training, but it must be well over 100 and my performance varies dependant on the weather, how well I have behaved away from training and how arsed I can be on the day.
My most recent ride on the ‘old’ 47 mile circuit was a couple of weeks ago where I recorded a time of 3:07 – I have been peppering that time for a good few weeks now so it would be fair to say that a 3:07 loop is where I am currently at.
I weigh 14 stone 7 which is pathetic and a good 2 stone over where it needs to be however I weighed exactly the same 2 weeks ago when I recorded a 3:07 loop on the old circuit.
I would describe the weather today as perfect bike conditions if a little breezy over the moors at times.
I started my ride from Chorley New Road at the junction with Regent Road, which is exactly where the new 47 mile loop starts….
Here is what happened.….
Miles 0-6 – down into Bolton town centre then up into Breightmet which is a large housing estate and a stonking hill here sets the tone for the day
Miles 6-21 You power through the village of Ainsworth then down into lowercroft dip – think ‘big dipper’ on smooth wide tarmac which is exhillarating to ride. You then effortlessly steam through the villages of Walshaw (where I got a ‘go-on Rookie) and tottington which are both very fast and an absolute dream. A slight grind up through Turton and then its back down onto the bars as we glide round to Ramsbottom.
Holcombe Hill in ramsbottom is a very famous ‘mountain’ that people come from all over to try and walk up every week and yes, you’ve guessed it, we ride up the fucker….. but i’ve got to be honest – it’s nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be and its not a patch on Hunters – just longer. That said, a group from Stockport triathlon had pulled over wheezing near the top and I gave them plenty of banter as I went stomping past. Once you reach the summit the descent over the other side is sensational….
If i’m honest I rode those first 21 miles way too hard but its very difficult to resist as they are a lot of fun.
You then pretty much ‘freewheel’ all the way round to Haslingden but it’s here that you start to feel the full force of IMUK.
Miles 21-24 – Grane Road Haslingden -an absolute bastard for the entire 3 miles – 3 miles doesnt sound a lot but it feels like it never ends – it reminds me of the first part of sheephouse to the cattle grid just on a slightly better and wider road surface – think long slow gradual grind that feels like it goes on forever and just as you think you have got to the top you see the road climb off again into the distance. Once you actually conquer it the rush you experience when you see Turton Tower over to the left (which is where we are heading and marks the back end of the loop) is very rewarding.
Miles 24-28 – Just as you think you are going to enjoy a lovely descent down the other side of Grane Road we peel off and go over the moors for the next 2 miles which is very open and ‘winding’ but the 2 miles after that are enclosed, flat and fast and we can get back onto the bars….. but brace yourself…
Miles 28-32 – The next 4 miles we are on Roman Road – Fuck you Roman Road. Seriously I guarantee you will hear yourself saying ‘fuck off’ multiple times along this absolute bitch of a grind. Once again its not particularly steep, its just a long slow relentless gradual, energy depleting climb for the entire 4 miles that never ends – exactly the ones I hate – give me Hunters over this any day.
Miles 32-35 – When you finally get off Roman road (thank god) you are onto moorside lane which is fairly open and a ‘gentle’ up that is magnified tenfold given the previous 4 miles – look out for the horse in the field which will start going nuts when it sees you come round the corner – I’ve decided it’s lucky superstition to stop and pat this horse due to the way it reacts when it sees you but when it realised I didn’t have any food for it the horse saw its arse with me…
At long last we have a lovely descent down through the beautiful village of edgworth where the road surface isnt the best but its a delightful ‘down’ all the same, so we musn’t complain.
Miles 35-38 – Once through Edgworth we ‘dog leg’ back on ourselves through the wilderness which is yet another long slow drag for 3 miles solid – honestly, towards the end of this I was losing the will to live.
Miles 38-41 – Along the main road for a bit before turning off through countryside and heading over to Blackburn Road to pick up Sheep House in reverse – I remember shouting ‘Fuck this’ to a couple of other cyclists that had stopped during this section, another grind when you are energy depleted but then fast towards the end.
Miles 41-45 – Sheep House in reverse was nowhere near as bad as what I thought it was going to be – the worst part is the first bit up by the side of the black dog pub – once you get to the top the descent over the other side is a lot of fun, very fast and an absolute delight to freewheel when I am used to grinding it out in the opposite direction. I noticed they have removed the gate next to the cattle grid which means you can jib through that instead of hurtling over the grid itself.
Miles 45-48 – Down through Horwich and onto CNR which is a relative piece of piss compared to ‘all of the above’
My time?
3:30 for the new one versus 3:07 for the old one – bang on the cut off at the first attempt (whoop) but the way I felt after was chalk and cheese (fucked)
So do not worry yourself, if I can do it within the cut off time you can, but you are going to have to get your arse up to Bolton and practice it love.
In summary….
Is the new loop tougher?
In my mind there is no question that the new bike loop is much tougher than the old one. that said, parts of it are a lot more fun. Other parts are an absolute bitch and fuck knows what is going to happen on the 2nd lap.
Is this a good thing?
In my opinion, yes it is. They have made the medal even more sacred. If you want the 2019 medal you are going to have to come and earn it cock.
Depending on the circles that you move in, Far too many people will currently say ‘And?’ when you tell them that you have completed IMUK.
From now on, nobody will ever say ‘And?’ when you tell them you have conquered Bolton…….
They will say ‘Respect’ as make no mistake, many will start this race but they will not finish.
Is the new loop dangerous?
It is no more or less dangerous then the old loop or any other loop for that matter. Ironman should not be your first race. It is expected when you get to Ironman level that you know how to ride a bike on open roads.
What are the road surfaces like?
We are in England….all roads are the same….The priority for local authorities up and down the country is feathering their……Sorry…..Iron Rookie is very grateful to the local council(s) for allowing this amazing race to go ahead right on our doorstep…..We are supposed to be Ironmen…..Get on with it….anyone who complains about the road surfaces gets a slap.
What about the support?
You will not find anyone that loved the supporters on the old loop more than me however I believe the support on this new circuit has the potential to be even more magical than what it already was.
We loop the town centre where the crowd will be electric and then we pass through the heavily populated villages of Breightmet, Ainsoworth, Lowercroft, Walshaw, Tottington, Ramsbottom, Haslingden, Edgeworth, Rivington, Horwich……Honestly if someone can speak with the leaders of each village and get them to bring their tribes out to support us then the atmosphere on this new bike loop has the potential to be something very special indeed.
I would like to see IMUK put a grand behind the bar of a pub in each village on race day or something like that.
Back to business and let’s have it right……..
I’ve got plenty of work to do.
Strategy, practice and pacing are going to be key if I am to make the cut offs…..
Another loop next week cocker?
Can’t wait…..
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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