Rookie goes for 3 in a row at Ironman UK Week 10/40
The news this week is that there are loads of rumours flying around that the legendary IMUK bike loop is going to change and i’m not happy about it…
Whilst I am a relative Ironman newcomer, I have ridden that circuit pretty much every week for the last three years and I love it to bits.
Dear Ironman,
Please don’t change the bike loop, it’s iconic and the stuff of legend.
More importantly, the current circuit has the perfect blend between rock solid climbs and the ability to get down onto the bars and ‘race.’
It’s technically brilliant and perfect in every way, you don’t need to change a single thing.
More importantly still, the crowd support on that loop is the stuff of folklore, everyone knows ‘where to stand’ and the sensation the athletes experience because of this iconic support gives everybody goosebumps for the rest of their days.
However, I suspect that Ironman’s hand is being forced by Chorley council here.
Dear Chorley council.
I fully appreciate that you must be sick and tired of ‘getting it in the neck’ from some of your residents who do not understand what the Ironman is, or means to people and therefore object to ‘their roads’ being closed for a couple of hours each year.
But let me say this.
For every resident who objects, I could show you 10 more who come out to support all the athletes on race day in fine voice.
The wonderful support provided by the people of Chorley on race day is something that many of us will take to the grave.
Further, I could show you example after example of local residents who, having been inspired by the Ironmen riding past their house, go on to make positive changes to their lifestyle and embark on a fitness journey of their own.
In addition, no less than 3,000 children will be taking part in ‘Ironkids’ Bolton next year which, organised by Ironman UK, introduces children and their families to the multiple benefits of health and fitness – plenty of these children will likely be Chorley residents.
On a final note, many of the legendary Ironmen raise thousands of pounds for local charitable causes each year and small business dotted all around the bike loop benefit from the iconic spectator spend.
As a council tax payer to chorley council myself, I urge you to reconsider your position.
To business..
As you know, I’ve been having a go at trying to get my 47 mile IMUK bike loop time down recently.
Throughout 2018, my circuit time has been peppering the 3:20 mark, but the other week I got that down to 2:39.
To put that into perspective, a 3:20 effort would currently rank you #250 out of 352 for the 2019 IMUK bike loop on strava.
Not bad….
But a 2:39 circuit ranks you in the top 50….
And that is fukin excellent as far as I am concerned.
And you know the best bit?
I feel as though I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface with this yet…..
On that basis, I have decided to share with you exactly how I was able to get that time down via this blog over the next few weeks….
In my opinion, if you want to improve your loop time, you require a total of ten ‘keys’ in order to do this….
***Please note this is not aimed at ‘Kona wannabes’ …..this is aimed at those that are currently hitting 3:20 loops and want to learn how I took that down to 2:39 so wind yer neck in ‘big dog’….Cheers***
***Please Also note, riding a 2:39 single 50 mile IMUK loop on fresh legs is one thing, yet ‘racing’ a full Ironman is something completely different and I have no desire whatsoever to ‘race’ the full distance, i’m perfectly happy simply collecting the third sacred medal in a row at IMUK, but let’s have it right, a 2:39 loop is still a 2:39 loop***
We are now onto key #9 of 10.
Here it is…
Key #9 of 10 : An Aero Helmet
Don’t worry, I am not going to tell you that if you buy a certain helmet and put it on, all of a sudden you will be able to knock 40 minutes off your loop time.
You are way more intelligent than that.
That said…
You’ve heard the phrase ‘On the bike, the body causes 90% of the drag’ before right?
For the last 3 years, I have always wore a standard bike helmet, you know, the ones you will see 99% of riders wearing on your weekly rides.
However, when I looked through some recent pictures, I decided that my current attire made me look like a bit of twat, so I thought if I am going to look like a twat anyway, I may as well do it properly.
I immediately took to E-bay and bought the sexiest aero helmet (or twat hat) I could find within my budget.
I love E-bay.
Especially at this time of year (winter)
You get loads of people that have bought all the gear and given it a bash in summer, decided its not for them, then stick their stuff on E-bay at a fraction of its original cost.
The hat I bought retails for £250 but I managed to pick it up for just £99.
It had only been worn a couple of times and still looked brand new.
I have to tell you, I definitely notice a difference.
Not so much on the hills (where you will definitely look like a twat huffing and puffing up Sheephouse in a hat like that)
But on the flat and the descents, it comes into its own.
I find I can effortlessly ‘zip along’ cutting through the breeze like a hot knife through butter.
Try one and see for yourself.
But be warned, wear it on your training rides, and you will probably be the only one who is.
Training this week : None (What?…it’s Christmas ffs)
Current Weight 14/4 (pathetic) Height 5/11 (ok)
Don’t miss next week, The final Key (10/10) as to how Rookie got his IMUK loop time down from 3:20 to 2:39
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By the way, have you heard about this book? its nearly 500 pages crammed full of hints and tips detailing exactly how I was able to go from zero fitness to completing an Ironman triathlon and covers super sprint, sprint, olympic 70.3 & full iron distances all from a ‘first timer’ perspective – please take a moment to read the reviews on amazon
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